Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2008 2009

Details for Mechanism ID: 2810
Country/Region: South Africa
Year: 2009
Main Partner: Leonie Selvan Communications
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Private Contractor
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $305,835

Funding for Biomedical Prevention: Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (MTCT): $0


This activity was approved in the FY 2008 COP, is funded with FY 2008 PEPFAR funds and is included

here to provide complete information for reviewers. No FY 2009 funding is requested for this activity. Due to

constraints with working with the National Department of Health, Leonie Selvan's FY 2008 activities were

only initiated in late September 2008. For this reason all FY 2008 funding is being carried over to FY 2009.

Therefore there is no need to provide FY 2009 funds to this activity.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 13985

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

13985 3338.08 HHS/Centers for Leonie Selvan 6677 2810.08 CARE UGM $200,000

Disease Control &


7318 3338.07 HHS/Centers for Leonie Selvan 4377 2810.07 PMTCT $700,000

Disease Control & Community

Prevention Health Worker


3338 3338.06 HHS/Centers for Leonie Selvan 2810 2810.06 PMTCT $295,972

Disease Control & Community

Prevention Health Worker


Table 3.3.01:

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Abstinence/Be Faithful (HVAB): $0

Funds removed from AB


Leonie Selven Communication (LSC) will expand FY 2008 activities in FY 2009.

The youth-friendly training manual that will be piloted in at least three provinces during FY 2008 will be

rolled out nationally during FY 2009.

A game, similar to Trivial Pursuit, will be developed to support training with the youth-friendly manual. This

will be done in a fun, more interactive way, more appropriate to the target audience.

In conjunction with the provinces, possibly Mpumalanga and Eastern Cape initially, LSC will continue to

hold focus group discussions with peer educators and a cross-section of urban and rural youth to determine

what communication channels and media work best for them, so that the material developed is appropriate.

In addition, since self esteem is a major part of youth being able to say no, LSC will develop a peer

educator/train the trainer program based on self-esteem. This course will explore bullying and aggression,

gender issues, cultural issues, social norms, etc.



At the request of the National Department of Health (NDOH) and CDC, Leonie Selvan Communications

(LSC) will use PEPFAR funding to review the existing Youth Friendly Training Manual for Nurse Youth

Health Providers, as well as other material pertaining to this target group. The material will be updated and

reworked to ensure that it is user friendly and accessible. Prior to revising the material, focus groups will be

held with nurse youth health providers to determine their perceptions of the existing material and to identify

any specific needs or areas of improvement, if necessary. The updated manual will be piloted at provincial

level before being finalized. Train the trainer forums will be held at the launch of the new Youth Friendly

Training Manual for Nurse Youth Health Providers so that facilitators are familiar and comfortable working

with the revised manual. In addition, Leonie Selvan Communication will work with the NDOH to develop a

tool kit for school-based peer educators. The emphasis area for this activity is in-service training as health

workers and peer educators on youth friendly services and building capacity of local organizations. This will

be done by providing tool kits to school-based peer educators from different non-government organizations

to ensure the delivery of quality peer education messages. Target populations for this activity are

adolescents aged 10-24 and adults which includes all health care workers.


ACTIVITY 1: Review and Consolidation of Existing Materials

There are currently a number of different curricula being used by the NDOH to train nurses and other health

care workers on the specific needs of youth in the context of HIV and AIDS. In addition, there is a number of

different curricula that focus on the establishment and implementation of youth-friendly services. At the

request of the NDOH, Leonie Selvan Communications will review the curriculum and make

recommendations for a single curriculum that encompasses aspects from the multiple sources. The new

materials will focus on ensuring that all youth between the ages of 10- 18 receive HIV prevention messages

when they visit health services. The primary focus of this activity is abstinence. However, for youth that are

already sexually active the focus will be on the B component of the AB program and will be linked with other

prevention activities of the NDOH to ensure the provision of condoms and clear and consistent messaging

around condom usage.

ACTIVITY 2: Focus Groups with Youth Nurses

In order to ensure that the specific needs of youth are addressed and incorporated into the curriculum and

materials to be developed, Leonie Selvan Communications will conduct nine focus group discussions with

nurses from youth friendly clinics. All nine provinces will be represented in the focus groups to ensure that

provincial youth issues can also be address in the materials and curriculum. The results of the focus group

will be presented to the NDOH youth directorate with the curriculum review outlined in activity Both activity

one and activity two will culminate in the development of a youth friendly training manual for nurse

providers. The national youth program will ensure that all youth nurse providers are trained in the curriculum

ensuring the provision of youth friendly service delivery in the context of HIV.


ACTIVITY 3: Materials for Peer Educators

At the request of the National Department of Health and CDC, Leonie Selvan Communications (LSC) will

use PEPFAR funding to identify, source and develop a range of suitable promotional material for peer

educators. This material will include bags to carry their manuals and hand-outs when they visit schools.

Marketing material in the form of leaflets, posters and brochures will be designed and developed to assist

peer educators market the peer education program. In addition, a Resource Pack/tool kit will be developed

to ensure that they have all the necessary materials, handouts and resources to conduct quality peer

education workshops. Prior to developing material focus groups will be held with a cross-section of peer

educators to identify what marketing and training material works best for them. New material will be

designed/ developed based on the outcomes of the focus groups.

This activity contributes to the PEPFAR 2-7-10 goals by ensuring access to youth friendly services in the

context of HIV and AIDS. In addition, this project will assist in ensuring the sustainability of the national peer

educator program by providing the peer educators with a standard set of resources to conduct quality peer

education activities.

New/Continuing Activity: Continuing Activity

Continuing Activity: 13986

Continued Associated Activity Information

Activity Activity ID USG Agency Prime Partner Mechanism Mechanism ID Mechanism Planned Funds

System ID System ID

13986 13986.08 HHS/Centers for Leonie Selvan 6677 2810.08 CARE UGM $350,000

Disease Control &


Emphasis Areas


* Addressing male norms and behaviors

Human Capacity Development

Estimated amount of funding that is planned for Human Capacity Development $60,000

Public Health Evaluation

Food and Nutrition: Policy, Tools, and Service Delivery

Food and Nutrition: Commodities

Economic Strengthening



Table 3.3.02:

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Other Sexual Prevention (HVOP): $305,835

In response to OGAC's review of the PEPFAR South Africa FY 2009 Country Operational Plan, the

Prevention Steering Committee directed the country team to reprogram 20-30% of the PEPFAR South

Africa sexual prevention portfolio.

New/Continuing Activity: New Activity

Continuing Activity:

Table 3.3.03:

Cross Cutting Budget Categories and Known Amounts Total: $60,000
Human Resources for Health $60,000